
Please note: BST is currently not observed in the UK. See London for the time in the UK and London.

13:30PM long Fonde, Septemba 14, 2023 British Summer Time (BST)

bihain long 543 ol de

Time.is otometikli tanem taim long taimsoen bilong yupela.
Mande, Mas 10, 2025, wik 11
New York bin senisim long delait lukautim taim long 02:00AM long Sande, Mas 9. Taim bin stap setim wan aua poret.
San ↑ 07:13AM ↓ 18:59PM (11a 45m) - Moa info
- Mekim New York taim bikpela wan bilong yu - Putim bilong lis bilong feverit ples bilong yu